Thursday, August 29, 2019

Eva, Te Ana, Keira, Chloe - The Thief Lord

Izzy Layla Maria Jessica - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Angus, Jack, Rhycos and Jayden - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Ollie and Bronson - The Intruder

Maddie, Jessaca, Kiwa and Maria - Speechless

Bronson, Angus, Lila, Eva T - The Donkey Sleepover

Reef, Rhycos, Izzy, Te Ana, Nevaeh, Layla - Speechless

Sammy, Kaylan, Ollie, Jack, Jayden - Dangerous Game

Abe, Jed, Jerome, Keira - Unwanted Visitors

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